02 November 2011

Blogging and Directing Web Traffic

Let's face it, the world is online and thousands of young people are finding out just how easy it is to start-up a business online. All you need is a profitable idea, a web domain, host it and you're set, right? Well, no quite.


1. Finding A Niche

Most people think it's just about finding a topic that you are passionate about, well, it takes more than that. Your idea needs to be profitable example: gaming, health, business. Make sure that it is something that you are passionate about though.

2. Domain Name

This is very important, your domain name should include keywords that will immediately link your name to the content. A good example is a site that sells gadgets, key words such as "gargets", "electronics" may be signifficant. You can register your domain on GoDaddy.

3. Hosting

Once you’ve registered a domain name you can call your own, the next course of action is buy yourself a reliable hosting provider. I recommend Hostgator which gives you the right hosting package with superb support system at the most affordable price.

Now you can change your Domain Name Server. Tutorial

4. Setting Up Your Blog

This does not require you to be som,e techno geek. With applications like wordpress, you can organise your content, yes, it's that easy!

 5. Submit to Google

submitting your blog to Google index is still worth the effort. Google is indexing and updating billion of pages every day, a little knock at its door does not do your blog any harm, does it?

6. Posting

Here I’m referring to your choice of post title. A careful choice of title with the proper keyword research is part and parcel of your SEO (aka; search engine optimization) effort. Speaking of which, not only you should write for both search engine and more important, your readers.

Basically, your post title is what your readers will see while the blog title is what the search engines robots view.

7. Creat A Site Map

While Robots.txt instructs search engines which parts of your site to exclude from indexing, a Sitemap tells search engines where you’d like them to go. From a search engine perspective, sitemap is useful for better and faster indexing while a plain HTML sitemap with the use of plug-in provides ease of navigation for your visitors.
 8. Update Ping

What is ‘Ping’? Pinging is a built-in notification system ‘pinging’ the search or directory engines every time you post a new article on your blog to get the search engines to visit your site more often, thus improve indexation.

Below are the list of ping services

Blog Promotion

1.Blog Commenting

I’m a big proponent of blog commenting. What you basically do here to find any blog that’s is closely relevant too your niche where you can add your constructive opinions on the subject being discussed via commenting.

It’s one of the most powerful yet the least expensive tool to create awareness especially when you are new in the community. No other blog promotion can be as effective as commenting, no question about it.

2. Article Marketing

This is one method that I’ve found great success with. Not only it’s an effective strategy for link building (Google loves more links pointing back to your site), one article of yours will be published in one hundred, if not thousands of other sites, depending on the quality of your article. If writing is in your greatest asset, nothing beats article marketing if you ask me.

3. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging isn’t a new phenomenon. It’s the common practice where bloggers write article to be published on other bloggers’ blogs. If done right with a reputable host, you’ll not only see an increased in your blog traffic and gain a few extra subscribers.

With guest blogging, not only will the host’s blog receive new fresh content from a different perspective, the guest blogger will gain a link and the all important exposure.

4. Use of Social Sites

Well, I’m not fond of social sites but the recent buzz of using Tweeter to promote your product and services deserves a certain degree of recognition and I think it’s pretty fair that I make an effort to promote the use of it to a certain extent.

If you are not into yet, you’ll never know what you’re missing. Mind you, it can be addictive. The use of it shouldn’t be at the expense of other promotional strategies such as Twitter or Stumble Upon.

5. Forum Marketing

Marketing your site in forums is worthy of a mention too. Though it might take quite a bit of you time to partake and join the forum discussion, it’s still one of the promotional method widely used by the majority of new bloggers.

One common approach is to insert your links in your signature so that whenever you make any post, there is a likelihood of clicks from other forum posters. The success of forum marketing varied and certainly depend on the kind of niche you are in and how eye-catching your link signature is.

Make Money Online

1. Google AdSense
Google Adsense is the bread and butter of most bloggers. It’s the plug-n-play advertising program you can easily run on your new blog without much effort. Though it’s the preferred choice of blog monetization, please keep in mind that without traffic which is usually low in when your blog is new, your earnings from Adsense could be pretty minimal. Its earnings is pretty much relied upon the kind of traffic you can drive to your site.

2. Affiliate Sales
With that being said above, the next best option is learn and explore the art of affiliate marketing. In simple term, affiliate marketing is about promoting someone’s else products where you’ll be paid for every referral sale. Depending on the products, you are referring, the referral commission can be as high as a few hundred dollars.

If you are looking for products and eBooks to sell on commission I would recommended Clickbank and Amazon Associates Program.

3. Sponsored Reviews
To touch upon what I’ve mentioned above earlier, if writing is in your blood and copywriting is your forte, doing a review for someone else’s product or services can be one lucrative source of income. All you need to do is to write an honest review and offer constructive criticism and you’ll get paid for it.

4. Freelance Services
Now those of you who have the skills for say, design, coding or  copywriting for that matter, I’d recommend to learn how to leverage your blog to showcase your portfolios. I’ve seen how others are successful using their blog to sell their service and earn a decent income out of it. One notable example of this Jacob Class .

5. Private Advertising
Last but not the least, though it’s one method I’m not advocating when your blog is new is private advertising where usually advertisers are willing to buy an ad space on your blog.

However advertisers are smart of investors who are only willing to spend the kind of money in a blog with a decent traffic and certain rankings. There are various metrics advertisers are concerned about, among them are the no. of your subscribers, PageRank, traffic stats and just to name a few.

If you don’t have any of those yet, this option is certainly one that you shouldn’t think about in the beginning. Instead first focus on building traffic and social networking and advertising opportunities comes naturally thereafter. However if you do have traffic you should definitly get the OIOpublisher plugin which allows you to quickly and easily sell private advertising on your blog.

  1. For Search Engines – If you are on WordPress, install Google (XML) Sitemaps Generator which will generate XML-Sitemap supported by most of the search engines.
  2. For Your Visitors – Clean Archives Reloaded generates a list of your posts sorted by months for better navigation.

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